Shinein Math Academy Instills Love For Math In Children


Madhavi Tarugu runs the Shineinmath Institute in Billerica. She is an electronics engineer by profession. As a Hardware engineer and training new employees joining the company she realized she had a great passion for teaching. Says Madhavi “I always wanted to do something about it. My idea in starting Shineinmath is not just about fulfilling my passion for teaching and feeding my interest in Math but also to create the same kind of interest and enthusiasm about Math in the young brains. When I see kids improve in their performance and enjoy doing math, it gives me a great deal of satisfaction which can’t be put a price on”.

Right now ShineinMath is offering Math enrichment programs for all grades K through 12 with weekly sessions held for 2 hour long and each exclusively taught based on grade or topic.

They also offering Summer Math Camps that run through the months of July and August. The camps are designed with educational and fun activities that help students with their math enrichment as well as team playing ,leadership and communication skills. These camps are held 3 days a week from 9 AM to 1PM, with an option for choosing a one day, 2 days or 3 days a week. These camps run every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of the week. Summer 2012 camps are held from July 3rd through August 30th.

Shine-In Math supports environmentalism by contributing a percentage of its earnings to organizations that support the cause. Shine-In also encourages kids to adapt to “go-green” ways so that we as a team would be raising not only math-smart kids but also compassionate human beings and responsible citizens of the world.

Parents share their experience on how Shineinmath benefitted their children.

Annamalai Velmurugan and Nithya Velmurugan – “My son Vineeth Velmurugan is taking math tution in Shine-in-Math for the last 6 months. After started taking this class, he actively participated in class assignments and tests. I feel I can wholeheartedly recommend Madhavi for her depth of knowledge in math, her teaching techniques, and her demeanor as a person. I do so without reservation . Madhavi can help students to not just finish Math homework, but strives toward complete understanding of math concepts. Madhavi uses her “bag of tricks” in her earnest effort to assist students take in information in whatever way they may learn Math best”.

Archana:” My both kids Ayush (5th) grade and Aaryan Chaudhary (4th) grade have been attending Shine in Math since Sep 2011.I am really happy with the progress they have made through Shine in Math.I feel that this personalized math lessons are really helpful for our kids”.

Aparna Balaji:” We are indeed very happy to see the improvement in our child’s math skills. The progress has also been steady. Shine in math has helped in shaping and preparing our child for MCAS and also targets in working ahead than the school curriculum. Shine in math is definitely growing and we are very happy to have enrolled our child there. Good luck to the team”.

Madhavi Tarugu sums up about ShineinMath:”When it comes to education there is always a talk about how different, better or worse education in one country than the other is. But I very strongly feel when teaching or learning is done with the right amount of passion and discipline, and things are taught and learnt in a concept oriented way either system will work wonders. And of course there always has to be a fusion that combines the best of all methods and that’s what we do here at ShineinMath”.

Venue and contact info

Dwarkamai Vidya Peeth

267 Boston Rd, #10

North Billerica,MA

Contact Phone : 781-497-0026 / 781-812-3023

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