Five Lessons from the Olympics to Apply to College Applications and SAT Preparation

The Olympic Games are a pinnacle of athletic and human achievement, showcasing the dedication, discipline, and resilience of athletes from around the globe. While the context of sports might seem distant from academic pursuits, there are valuable lessons to be gleaned from Olympians that can significantly benefit students preparing for college and the SATs. Here are five key lessons from the Olympics that can help you navigate this critical phase of your academic journey.

1. The Importance of Coaching

The importance of coaching cannot be overstated. Behind every Olympian is a coach who provides ongoing guidance, strategy, and support. Similarly, when preparing for the SATs and college applications, having a mentor or coach can be invaluable. Whether it’s a peer, parent, teacher, tutor, or guidance counselor, a good coach can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, develop a study plan, and stay motivated. Coaches offer personalized feedback and can help you navigate the complexities of the college application process, ensuring you present your best self to admissions committees.

2. Consistent Practice and Preparation

Olympians spend years honing their skills through relentless practice and preparation. This dedication to consistent practice is crucial for students aiming for high SAT scores and strong college applications. Set a regular study schedule that allows you to build and reinforce your knowledge over time. Utilize practice tests to familiarize yourself with the SAT format and identify areas that need improvement. Just as athletes break down their training into manageable segments, break your study sessions into focused intervals to maintain concentration and avoid burnout.

3. Mental Resilience and Focus

Competing at the Olympic level requires immense mental resilience and focus. Athletes must maintain their composure under pressure and rebound from setbacks. Similarly, the process of applying to college and taking the SATs can be stressful and challenging. Developing mental resilience will help you stay focused and composed, whether you’re facing a tough practice test or waiting for college acceptance letters. Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and positive visualization can help you manage stress and maintain a positive outlook throughout the process.

4. Setting Clear Goals

Olympians set clear, measurable goals to track their progress and stay motivated. When preparing for the SATs and applying to colleges, setting specific goals can provide direction and purpose. Identify the colleges you wish to apply to and research their admission requirements, including the average SAT scores of admitted students. Set target scores for each section of the SAT and outline the steps you need to take to achieve them. Having clear goals will help you stay organized and focused, making the entire process more manageable.

5. Embracing a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset, the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and learning, is a common trait among Olympians. This mindset encourages continuous improvement and resilience in the face of challenges. Adopting a growth mindset can transform your approach to SAT preparation and college applications. Instead of viewing setbacks as failures, see them as opportunities to learn and grow. Celebrate your progress and be open to feedback, knowing that each step brings you closer to your goals.

The journey to college and SAT success can be arduous, but these lessons can help provide a valuable roadmap. Just as Olympians achieve greatness through dedication and perseverance, you too can reach your academic aspirations by applying these principles to your preparation and applications!

Shine In Math Academy: Your Partner in SAT Prep and College Admissions Success

As students gear up for this new digital SAT, Shine In Math Academy stands ready to support them every step of the way. Our instructors have the knowledge, expertise, and years of experience to help students prepare effectively for this new format. Starting this fall, we will be adding a range of SAT prep programs to our existing offerings, designed to help students attain their best scores. These programs will be available both in person and online, providing flexible options in one on one and small group formats to meet the needs of all our students. Learn more

Shine In Math Academy has dedicated College Admissions Counselors to help guide and support you by helping you craft exceptional essays, perfect your application to give you an edge in the admissions process and ace interviews. Our Admissions Specialists help you become a strong candidate for the programs you are applying for, help research colleges and find schools that best fit your wants and needs, stay on top of application deadlines and help finalize your application. Learn more.

The New Digital SAT: What Educators, Parents, and Students Need to Know

The  spring of 2024  marked  a significant change in the world of college admissions testing with the introduction of the digital SAT by the College Board. The test, which has been a pivotal measure of students’ readiness for college, underwent  a transformation to better align with the digital age. Adapted from EdWeek’s article “The New Digital SAT: 4 Important Details Educators Need to Know.” Here are four key details that parents, students, and educators should keep in mind when preparing for the new format.

1. Adaptive Testing Format

One of the most notable changes in the digital SAT is its adaptive testing format. The test will still measure students’ skills in math, reading, and writing, but with a twist. Each section is divided into two parts. After students complete the first part of a section, the test adapts the difficulty of the second part based on their performance. This means if a student performs well in the first half, they will receive slightly harder questions in the second half, and vice versa.

This adaptive format not only customizes the test experience but also shortens the overall test duration from three hours to about two. This change is designed to reduce the frustration students might feel when faced with overly challenging questions, helping them stay engaged and perform to the best of their abilities.

2. Updated Content and Tools

The digital SAT also introduces changes in test content and tools. In the math section, students can now use a calculator for the entire section. The test application includes a built-in graphing calculator, so there’s no need for students to bring their own. However, it is encouraged that students bring their graphing calculators with which they are more handy. Additionally, the reading and writing section now features shorter passages with a single question tied to each, making the test less daunting and more straightforward.

These updates are intended to make the test more accessible and less intimidating, encouraging students to focus on demonstrating their knowledge without unnecessary hurdles.

3. Technical Support and Flexibility

Recognizing potential technical challenges, especially in rural areas, the College Board has implemented several support measures. Schools can request technical assistance to ensure their bandwidth can handle the digital test. The College Board has even provided internet routers to schools in need.

Furthermore, the new digital format offers flexibility in test administration. Schools can stagger test-taking times or spread the testing over multiple days. Each student’s test pulls questions from a question bank, ensuring that while the skills tested remain consistent, the questions themselves are varied, maintaining test integrity.

4. Promoting Equity and Reducing Anxiety

The College Board is addressing equity concerns by continuing its partnership with Khan Academy to provide free online SAT prep courses. This initiative aims to bridge the gap in test preparation resources, particularly for students from lower-income families.

At St. Albans High School in West Virginia, all juniors participate in these prep courses and practice tests to familiarize themselves with the test format. The school counselor, Richard Tench, emphasizes that much of the test anxiety students experience stems from unfamiliarity with the test setup. By offering digital SAT prep, St. Albans is ensuring that students are comfortable and confident when taking the actual test.

Shine In Math Academy: Your Partner in SAT Success

As students gear up for this new digital SAT, Shine In Math Academy stands ready to support them every step of the way. Our instructors have the knowledge, expertise, and years of experience to help students prepare effectively for this new format. Starting this fall, we will be adding a range of SAT prep programs to our existing offerings, designed to help students attain their best scores. These programs will be available both in person and online, providing flexible options in one on one and small group formats to meet the needs of all our students.

The new digital SAT is a significant step towards modernizing the college admissions process. With its adaptive testing format, updated content, robust technical support, and efforts to promote equity, the digital SAT is poised to offer a more personalized and less stressful experience for students. Educators, along with dedicated support from institutions like Shine In Math Academy, play a crucial role in guiding students through this transition, ensuring they are well-prepared and confident on test day. 

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